Tuesday, May 3, 2011

[Spoiler Free]Reasons to be Excited for Mass Effect 3

The thrilling conclusion to the trilogy set in a near future filled with amazing aliens and unrelenting evils is coming to a close, for Shepard at least.  For those of you blissfully unaware of what Mass Effect is, it is a RPG centered around a character named Shepard.  This Shepard is one of your choosing, male or female, good or evil, a hardened Soldier who relies on his weapons or a powerful Adept that uses mass effect fields to control his/her enemies.  Made by BioWare, it was clear that they wished to capture that RPG essence, but with much more accessible type of game play.  The story basically centers around Shepard's struggle against the Reapers a ancient race of sentient machines who periodically wipe out all life in the galaxy.
Okay so now you're up to speed, lets get on with why this could be the best of both ME1 and ME2 without all the negatives of either of them.
  • If you don't import a save game a 'Previously on Mass Effect' comic will allow you to make major decisions.
  • Skill trees to be larger. 
  • Powers to evolve more times than once.
  • Weapon mods to make a return. 5 variants per part. (Modding is back; was terrible the way it was handled in ME2)
  • Classes can wield all weapons, but only Soldiers can have all of them at once. The rest of the classes will have limited slots. (Very welcome change)
  • Melee attacks will gain more focus
  • Shooting specific armor parts can have certain effects, and the AI of the enemies will have them routing Shepard and will coordinate with each other.
  • Enemy Weapons can be used.
  • NG+ will be a hybrid of ME1's and ME2's. You can go back and finish some stuff in the post-game.
  • The cover system has been improved.
  • You start out with the basic powers from ME2. (Not going back to square one with no abilities is good for those that   import)
  • Shepard can roll and alternate between cover.
  • The Engineer can build turrets, which will distract but not 'decimate' the enemy.
  • There will be more items to loot.
  • Lighting Up is a new charged melee attack, Shepard uses his omni-tool to inflict a burn to the enemy.
This is just a small taste of the changes to expect out of the gameplay, for more in depth look at other facets of the game check out this thread.  ME3 will be out on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 so everyone can now enjoy the series equally or disregard it if it's not their cup of tea.  I should also mention there have been a string of bad decisions about aspects of both ME1 and ME2, but it's all subjective to the person playing it.  Universally however, there is some pretty lazy modeling and additions and subtractions between ME1 and ME2 that are tenuous at best.  BioWare recently dropped the ball pretty hard with Dragon Age 2, so there is some worried fans out their that see a troubling trend from BioWare that perhaps EA is excreting itself to push out unfinished and unpolished products.  I guess we will have to wait until fall to find out if ME3 lives up to everyones expectations.


  1. I never have been too big on Mass Effect... I might have to give this one a try... Rent or buy?

  2. ME 1 was great and ME 2 too . But i'll play ME 3 until the end .

  3. BioWare is the freaking best publisher at the momment. Every single game they made is fantastic. Looking forward to the next story of Commander Shepard.

  4. I haven't got around to the series yet, but seen friends play them and they look amazing!

  5. Also, keep up the great poss! I love following you!

  6. BioWare strikes again... Becoming a challenger to Valve.

  7. can't wait for ME3...i loved the first one...the secend one was alright too

  8. ME - great.
    ME2 - awesome.
    ME3 - CAN'T WAIT!

  9. I'm already excited, the first two were great!

  10. Looks really awesome, though, I still got to play ME2.

  11. Oh, I'm definitely pre-ordering this shiz.

  12. so pumped for this game, one of my most looked forward too titles.


  13. The mass effect team always knows how to make a great game!

  14. Haven't tried out any games in the Mass Effect series yet but I should since I'm finally off school for a while

  15. I absolutely cannot WAIT for ME3, this is the first I've heard of the changes and I'm all atwitter.

  16. I don't even need reasons. i'm beyond excited already!!

  17. omg i cant wait, i need to complete ME 2 !!

  18. Never bought an ME, but hey, this does look promising. If the "best of both games" part is true, in particular, I might be sold.

  19. Thanks for keeping spoilers out of this, very interesting! :)

  20. Yay for a bigger skill tree! This means new builds to try out.

  21. i'm SO excited for this! ME is one of my favorite gaming series :D

  22. I didnt even need these reasons the game is going to be amazing

  23. I cannot wait for this game, im currently playing through ME2 again, so good.

  24. So pumped for this release! Need to upgrade my comp soon though haha

  25. I seriously need to go through Mass Effect 1 and 2 to get everything and once Mass Effect 3 comes out be able to do everything on there too!

  26. The main reason why I want to play Mass Effect 3 is because of Earth.

    But I agree with you too.

  27. meh, I still haven't played the first two, my gf has. I miss out on all the fun. Sounds like some awesome idea's though

  28. I love all the Mass effect Games!

  29. OMG i need to play it!

    PS; Check out my blog!!

  30. I loved first two parts and can't wait for the next one!

  31. There is no way for me NOT to get excited about Mass Effect 3. I played the crap out of the second one... can't wait!

  32. Known usual plot but maybe still worth a look into.

  33. Nice nice! Thanks for not spoiling too much. This just makes me more excited for the game!

  34. For ME3 to best out ME2 they need to bring back the Mako so I can defy gravity again
